write heroku logs

require 'heroku-api'

heroku = Heroku::API.new(api_key: 'YOUR_API_KEY')
logs = heroku.get_logs('YOUR_APP_NAME')
puts logs.body

Explanation: 1. require 'heroku-api': This line imports the 'heroku-api' gem, allowing you to use its functionalities in your Ruby code.

  1. heroku = Heroku::API.new(api_key: 'YOUR_API_KEY'): Here, a new instance of the Heroku API is created and stored in the variable heroku. You need to replace 'YOUR_API_KEY' with your actual Heroku API key.

  2. logs = heroku.get_logs('YOUR_APP_NAME'): This line fetches the logs for a specific Heroku app. Replace 'YOUR_APP_NAME' with the name of the app whose logs you want to retrieve.

  3. puts logs.body: This command prints the body of the logs to the console. The logs variable contains the fetched logs, and .body retrieves the content of the logs for display.

Note: Ensure you have the heroku-api gem installed in your Ruby environment to use the Heroku::API functionality. Additionally, replace 'YOUR_API_KEY' and 'YOUR_APP_NAME' with your actual API key and app name respectively.