model with array rails

# Step 1: Create a new Rails model
rails generate model YourModelName

# Step 2: Open the generated migration file in db/migrate
# Add necessary fields to the model
# Example:
#   add_column :your_model_name, :field_name, :data_type
rails db:migrate

# Step 3: Open the model file in app/models/your_model_name.rb
# Define the model class and specify associations and validations
# Example:
#   class YourModelName < ApplicationRecord
#     has_many :related_models
#     validates :field_name, presence: true
#   end

# Step 4: Open the corresponding controller file in app/controllers/your_model_names_controller.rb
# Define CRUD actions for your model
# Example:
#   def index
#     @your_model_names = YourModelName.all
#   end

#   def show
#     @your_model_name = YourModelName.find(params[:id])
#   end

#   def new
#     @your_model_name =
#   end

#   def create
#     @your_model_name =
#     if
#       redirect_to @your_model_name
#     else
#       render 'new'
#     end
#   end

#   def edit
#     @your_model_name = YourModelName.find(params[:id])
#   end

#   def update
#     @your_model_name = YourModelName.find(params[:id])
#     if @your_model_name.update(your_model_name_params)
#       redirect_to @your_model_name
#     else
#       render 'edit'
#     end
#   end

#   def destroy
#     YourModelName.find(params[:id]).destroy
#     redirect_to your_model_names_path
#   end

#   private
#   def your_model_name_params
#     params.require(:your_model_name).permit(:field_name1, :field_name2)
#   end

# Step 5: Create views for your model in app/views/your_model_names
# - index.html.erb
# - show.html.erb
# - new.html.erb
# - edit.html.erb
# Example:
#   <!-- index.html.erb -->
#   <% @your_model_names.each do |your_model_name| %>
#     <!-- display your_model_name attributes -->
#   <% end %>

#   <!-- show.html.erb -->
#   <!-- display individual your_model_name attributes -->

#   <!-- new.html.erb -->
#   <%= form_with model: @your_model_name, url: your_model_names_path, method: :post do |form| %>
#     <!-- form fields for your_model_name attributes -->
#     <%= form.submit 'Create' %>
#   <% end %>

#   <!-- edit.html.erb -->
#   <%= form_with model: @your_model_name, url: your_model_name_path(@your_model_name), method: :patch do |form| %>
#     <!-- form fields for your_model_name attributes -->
#     <%= form.submit 'Update' %>
#   <% end %>