add extension in ruby tempfile object

To add an extension to a Ruby tempfile object, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a tempfile object: Start by creating a tempfile object using the method. This will create a temporary file without any file extension.

  2. Get the path of the tempfile object: Retrieve the path of the tempfile object using the path method. This will give you the file path as a string.

  3. Add the extension: Use the File.rename method to rename the tempfile object with the desired extension. This method takes two arguments: the old file path and the new file path. In this case, the old file path would be the path of the tempfile object without an extension, and the new file path would be the path with the desired extension.

Here's an example of how you can add an extension to a Ruby tempfile object:

require 'tempfile'

# Step 1: Create a tempfile object
tempfile ='example')

# Step 2: Get the path of the tempfile object
tempfile_path = tempfile.path

# Step 3: Add the extension
new_file_path = tempfile_path + '.txt'
File.rename(tempfile_path, new_file_path)

# Output the new file path
puts new_file_path

In this example, a tempfile object named 'example' is created. The path of the tempfile object is retrieved using the path method and stored in the tempfile_path variable. Then, the extension '.txt' is added to the tempfile_path variable, and the File.rename method is used to rename the tempfile object with the new extension. Finally, the new file path is outputted, which would be the original tempfile path with the added extension.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.