httparty headers

To send HTTP requests in Ruby using the HTTParty gem, you can set headers using the headers option. Here's an explanation of each step involved:

  1. Install HTTParty gem:
  2. Install the HTTParty gem by adding gem 'httparty' to your Gemfile or running gem install httparty in your terminal.

  3. Require HTTParty:

  4. In your Ruby file, require the HTTParty gem by adding require 'httparty' at the top.

  5. Set headers:

  6. To set headers, use the headers option in your HTTParty request. The headers option takes a hash where the keys represent the header names and the values represent the header values.
  7. For example, to set a "Content-Type" header to "application/json" and an "Authorization" header to a token, you can use the following syntax: ruby headers = { "Content-Type" => "application/json", "Authorization" => "Bearer your_token" }

  8. Make the request:

  9. After setting the headers, you can make the HTTP request using the HTTParty module.
  10. For example, to make a GET request to a URL with the headers set, you can use the following syntax: ruby response = HTTParty.get("", headers: headers)

  11. Handle the response:

  12. The response variable will contain the response from the server.
  13. You can access the response status code, headers, and body using the appropriate methods on the response object.
  14. For example, to retrieve the response body, you can use response.body.

That's it! This is how you can use the HTTParty gem in Ruby to set headers and send HTTP requests.