multiple seeds in rails 6

Step 1: Create a new Ruby on Rails migration file to add a seeds table.

rails generate migration CreateSeeds

Step 2: Open the generated migration file (db/migrate/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx_create_seeds.rb) and define the schema for the seeds table.

class CreateSeeds < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
  def change
    create_table :seeds do |t|
      t.string :name
      t.text :description


Step 3: Run the migration to create the seeds table.

rails db:migrate

Step 4: Create seed data files in the db/seeds directory. For example, you can create 01_seeds.rb, 02_seeds.rb, etc.

# db/seeds/01_seeds.rb
Seed.create(name: 'Seed 1', description: 'Description for Seed 1')

# db/seeds/02_seeds.rb
Seed.create(name: 'Seed 2', description: 'Description for Seed 2')

Step 5: Load the seed data into the database.

rails db:seed

Step 6: Optionally, use specific seed data files.

rails db:seed:replant            # Truncates tables and then loads seeds
rails db:seed:replant:01_seeds   # Truncates tables and loads only 01_seeds.rb

Step 7: Rollback the last seed operation.

rails db:seed:undo

Step 8: Rollback specific seed data file.

rails db:seed:undo:01_seeds

Step 9: Rollback and redo the seeds.

rails db:seed:redo

Step 10: Load specific seed data files without affecting the database.

rails db:seed:replant:noop:01_seeds

Step 11: View the status of seed data.

rails db:seed:status

Step 12: Clear the seeds table.

rails db:seed:clear

Note: Adjust the table name and attributes in the migration and seed data files according to your application's requirements.