rails callback STI

In Ruby on Rails, callbacks are methods that get called at certain moments of an object's life cycle. Single Table Inheritance (STI) is a way to use a single model to represent multiple types of objects that are stored in a single table in the database. Here's an example of using callbacks with STI in Rails:

Step 1: Define the parent class with the callback

class Parent < ApplicationRecord
  before_save :do_something

  def do_something
    # Code for the callback action

Step 2: Create child classes inheriting from the parent class

class Child1 < Parent
  # Child1-specific code

class Child2 < Parent
  # Child2-specific code

Step 3: Implement specific behavior in child classes

class Child1 < Parent
  def do_something
    # Override the callback for Child1
    # Code specific to Child1

class Child2 < Parent
  # No specific callback defined, will use Parent's callback

Explanation: - The Parent class defines a before_save callback using before_save :do_something. - do_something is a method that will be executed before saving any instance of Parent or its child classes. - Child1 and Child2 classes inherit from Parent. - Child1 overrides the do_something method to provide its own implementation for the callback. - Child2 does not define its own do_something method, so it will use the do_something method defined in the Parent class due to inheritance.