after_create for STI rails

The after_create callback in Ruby on Rails is a method that gets executed after a new record is created and saved to the database. It can be used in Single Table Inheritance (STI) models to perform additional actions or modifications on the created record.

Here are the steps to use after_create for STI models in Rails:

  1. Define the callback method: Inside your STI model, define a method that will be called after the record is created. This method will contain the code you want to execute.

  2. Register the callback: Use the after_create macro provided by Rails to register the callback method. This macro takes the name of the callback method as a symbol and ensures that it is called after the record is successfully created.

  3. Implement the logic: Inside the callback method, you can write the logic to perform any additional actions or modifications on the created record. This could include updating associated models, sending notifications, or any other desired behavior.

  4. Test and verify: It is important to test your code to ensure that the after_create callback is working as expected. Create a new record and check if the desired actions or modifications are being performed after the record is saved.

Here is an example of how you can use after_create for an STI model in Rails:

class Animal < ApplicationRecord
  after_create :perform_additional_actions

  def perform_additional_actions
    # Code to perform additional actions or modifications on the created record
    # For example, you could update associated models or send notifications

class Dog < Animal
  # Dog-specific code

class Cat < Animal
  # Cat-specific code

In this example, the perform_additional_actions method will be called after a new record of any subclass of Animal (such as Dog or Cat) is created. You can customize the method to fit your specific requirements.

Remember to save your code changes and test the behavior to ensure that the after_create callback is working as intended.