transfer parameters in link_to rails

To transfer parameters in a link_to Rails, you can follow these steps:

  1. Start by using the link_to helper method in your view file. This method is used to generate HTML links in Rails applications.

  2. Specify the link text as the first parameter of the link_to method. This will be the visible text that the user clicks on.

  3. Provide the URL or path as the second parameter of the link_to method. This will be the destination where the user will be redirected when they click on the link.

  4. Use the :params option to pass the parameters you want to transfer. The :params option takes a hash where the keys represent the parameter names and the values represent the parameter values.

  5. Inside the hash, you can specify the parameter names as symbols or strings, and the parameter values can be any Ruby object.

  6. If you need to pass multiple parameters, you can include them as key-value pairs in the hash.

  7. Finally, close the link_to method with a closing parenthesis.

Here is an example of how to transfer parameters in a link_to Rails:

<%= link_to 'Click here', users_path(:name => 'John', :age => 25) %>

In this example, the link text is set to 'Click here'. The users_path is the destination URL or path. The :name and :age parameters are transferred with the values 'John' and 25, respectively.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.