active admin with friendly_id

# Step 1: Install the gems
# Add the following gems to your Gemfile:
gem 'friendly_id'
gem 'activeadmin'

# Then run:
bundle install

# Step 2: Set up FriendlyId
# Generate a migration to add a slug column to your model:
rails g migration AddSlugToModel slug:uniq

# Run the migration:
rails db:migrate

# In your model file, add the following:
class YourModel < ApplicationRecord
  extend FriendlyId
  friendly_id :attribute_to_use_for_slug, use: :slugged

# Replace :attribute_to_use_for_slug with the attribute you want to use for the slug.

# Step 3: Update Active Admin
# In your Active Admin resource file for the model, add the following:
ActiveAdmin.register YourModel do
  permit_params :attribute_to_use_for_slug, :other_attributes

  form do |f|
    f.inputs do
      f.input :attribute_to_use_for_slug
      # Add other input fields for your model attributes

# Step 4: Customize Show Page (Optional)
# To display the slug on the Active Admin show page, modify the show block in the resource file:
show do
  attributes_table do
    # Other attributes
    row :attribute_to_use_for_slug

These steps guide you through setting up FriendlyId with Active Admin in a Ruby on Rails application. Adjustments are made to both the model and the Active Admin resource file to incorporate slugs and enable their management within the admin interface.