all rails g model types

rails g model ModelName column1:data_type column2:data_type ...
  • rails g model: This command generates a new model in the Rails application.

  • ModelName: Replace this with the name you want to give to your model. Conventionally, models are named in singular form, and the corresponding database table will be in plural form.

  • column1:data_type: Define the columns of your model along with their data types. You can add multiple columns, each separated by a space. Example: name:string age:integer.

After running this command, Rails will generate several files:

  1. Migration File: Located in the db/migrate directory, it contains code to create the database table with the specified columns.

  2. Model File: Located in the app/models directory, it contains the Ruby class for the model, including associations and validations.

  3. Test File: If testing is configured (e.g., with RSpec), Rails will generate a corresponding test file in the test/models or spec/models directory.

  4. Factory File (Optional): If using a testing framework like FactoryBot, Rails may generate a factory file for easily creating test instances.

Remember to run rails db:migrate after generating the model to apply the changes to the database.