rails form select boolean

To create a form select boolean in Ruby on Rails, follow these steps:

  1. In your Rails application, navigate to the view file where you want to add the form select boolean.

  2. Inside the view file, use the form_for helper method to create a form for your object. Pass in the object you want to create or update as an argument. For example: ruby <%= form_for @object do |f| %>

  3. Inside the form block, use the f.select method to create a select input field. Pass in the attribute of your object that you want to represent as a select boolean. For example, if your object has a boolean attribute called active, you can create a select boolean for it like this: ruby <%= f.select :active %>

  4. By default, Rails will generate a select input field with two options: "true" and "false". The selected option will be based on the current value of the attribute in your object. If the attribute is true, "true" will be selected. If the attribute is false, "false" will be selected.

  5. If you want to customize the options for the select input field, you can pass in a collection of options as a second argument to the f.select method. For example, if you want to display "Active" and "Inactive" as the options instead of "true" and "false", you can do it like this: ruby <%= f.select :active, [['Active', true], ['Inactive', false]] %>

  6. To add a blank option at the beginning of the select input field, you can pass include_blank: true as an option. For example: ruby <%= f.select :active, [['Active', true], ['Inactive', false]], include_blank: true %>

  7. When the form is submitted, the selected value will be passed to the controller as a parameter. You can access it using the strong parameters syntax in your controller.

That's it! You have now created a form select boolean in Ruby on Rails. Remember to customize the steps according to your specific needs.