sequel not ruby

# Step 1: Install the 'sequel' gem
gem install sequel

# Step 2: Require the 'sequel' library in your Ruby script
require 'sequel'

# Step 3: Connect to the database
DB = Sequel.connect('sqlite://mydatabase.db')

# Step 4: Define a model class for your table
class MyModel < Sequel::Model

# Step 5: Create a migration to define the table schema
Sequel.migration do
  change do
    create_table(:my_table) do
      primary_key :id
      String :name
      Integer :age

# Step 6: Run the migration to create the table
MyModel.db.create_table! :my_table

# Step 7: Insert data into the table
MyModel.create(name: 'John', age: 30)

# Step 8: Retrieve data from the table
result = MyModel.first(name: 'John')

# Step 9: Update data in the table
result.update(age: 31)

# Step 10: Delete data from the table