ruby loop over files in a folder

To loop over files in a folder using Ruby, you can use the Dir.foreach method. Here are the steps to do it:

  1. Specify the path of the folder you want to loop over. For example, if the folder is named "documents" and is located in the current directory, you can use the following code:

ruby folder_path = "./documents"

  1. Use the Dir.foreach method to iterate over each file in the folder. This method takes the folder path as an argument and a block of code to execute for each file. Inside the block, you can access the current file using the |file| parameter.

ruby Dir.foreach(folder_path) do |file| # Code to execute for each file end

  1. Inside the block, you can perform operations on each file as needed. For example, you can print the name of each file using the puts method:

ruby Dir.foreach(folder_path) do |file| puts file end

This will output the name of each file in the folder.

  1. If you want to exclude the "." and ".." entries that represent the current and parent directories, you can add a condition inside the block to skip them:

ruby Dir.foreach(folder_path) do |file| next if file == "." || file == ".." # Code to execute for each file (excluding "." and "..") end

This ensures that only the actual files in the folder are processed.

  1. You can perform any desired operations on each file within the block. For example, you can read the contents of each file, manipulate the file names, or perform any other file-related tasks as needed.

By following these steps, you can loop over files in a folder using Ruby and perform actions on each file.