intermediate rails project

Step 1: Create a new Rails application

rails new your_project_name

Step 2: Navigate to the project directory

cd your_project_name

Step 3: Generate a scaffold for a model (replace "ModelName" with your desired model name and attributes)

rails generate scaffold ModelName attribute1:type attribute2:type

Step 4: Run database migration

rails db:migrate

Step 5: Configure the root route in "config/routes.rb"

root 'controller_name#index'

Step 6: Create a controller action for the root route in "app/controllers/controller_name_controller.rb"

def index
  # Your code here

Step 7: Create views for the controller action in "app/views/controller_name/index.html.erb"

<!-- Your HTML code here -->

Step 8: Add additional routes, actions, and views as needed for your application.

Step 9: Start the Rails server

rails server

Step 10: Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 to view your Rails application.