How to handle permission in rails

To handle permissions in Ruby on Rails, you can follow these steps:

  1. Define Roles: Start by defining the roles that will have different levels of permission in your application. For example, you may have roles like "admin," "user," or "guest."

  2. Add a Role Column: Next, add a role column to your user table in the database. This column will store the role assigned to each user.

  3. Use Gems: To simplify the process of handling permissions, you can use gems like "CanCanCan" or "Pundit." These gems provide a convenient way to define and manage permissions in your Rails application.

  4. Define Abilities: Using the chosen gem, define the abilities for each role in your application. Abilities define what actions a user with a particular role can perform. For example, an admin may have the ability to create, update, and delete records, while a user may only have the ability to view and update their own records.

  5. Check Permissions: In your controllers or views, you can check the user's role and their ability to perform certain actions. This can be done by calling the relevant methods provided by the gem. For example, you can use the "can?" method to check if a user has the ability to perform a specific action.

  6. Handle Unauthorized Access: If a user doesn't have the necessary permissions to perform an action, you can handle it by redirecting them to a different page or showing an error message.

By following these steps, you can effectively handle permissions in your Ruby on Rails application and ensure that users can only perform actions they are authorized to do based on their assigned roles.