heroku cli

To deploy a Ruby application using the Heroku CLI, follow these steps:

  1. Install the Heroku CLI: Download and install the Heroku CLI on your local machine. The CLI allows you to interact with the Heroku platform from the command line.

  2. Log in to Heroku: Open your terminal or command prompt and log in to Heroku using the following command: heroku login. This will prompt you to enter your Heroku credentials (email and password).

  3. Create a new Heroku app: Use the command heroku create to create a new Heroku application. This will generate a unique name for your app and add a Git remote that points to the Heroku Git repository.

  4. Set up the necessary dependencies: Ensure that your Ruby application has a Gemfile and a Gemfile.lock file in the root directory. These files contain the dependencies required by your application.

  5. Commit your changes: Use Git to commit your application code and dependencies. Use the following commands to stage and commit your changes:

  6. git add .: Stage all changes in the current directory.
  7. git commit -m "Initial commit": Commit the staged changes with a descriptive message.

  8. Push your code to Heroku: Use the command git push heroku master to push your code to the Heroku Git repository and trigger a deployment. This will upload your application code and install the required dependencies.

  9. Scale your application: By default, Heroku will create a single web dyno to run your application. You can scale your application by adding more dynos using the Heroku CLI. For example, you can use the command heroku ps:scale web=2 to scale your application to 2 dynos.

  10. Visit your deployed application: Once the deployment is complete, you can open your application in the browser using the command heroku open. This will open the URL of your deployed application.

  11. View logs: You can view the logs of your running application using the command heroku logs --tail. This will display the real-time logs of your application, which can be useful for debugging and monitoring.

That's it! You have successfully deployed a Ruby application using the Heroku CLI. Remember to test your application thoroughly and make any necessary adjustments before deploying to a production environment.