rails assets video not found video_tag

Step 1: Ensure the video file is located in the correct directory within the Rails application.

Step 2: Verify that the video file has a supported format, such as MP4, WebM, or OGG.

Step 3: Open the Rails application's app/assets/config/manifest.js file and ensure that the //= link_tree directive includes the directory containing the video file.

Step 4: Confirm that the video file is added to the precompile array in the config/application.rb file. Add the following line if necessary:

config.assets.precompile += %w( video_file_name.mp4 )

Step 5: Restart the Rails server to apply the changes.

Step 6: In the view file where the video_tag is used, make sure to specify the correct path to the video file. For example:

<%= video_tag('video_file_name.mp4') %>

Step 7: Verify that the video file name is spelled correctly, including capitalization.

Step 8: Inspect the generated HTML code to ensure that the src attribute of the video tag points to the correct path.

Step 9: Check the browser console for any error messages related to the video file not being found.

Step 10: If the issue persists, consider using the Rails asset pipeline helper method asset_path to generate the correct path dynamically. For example:

<%= video_tag(asset_path('video_file_name.mp4')) %>

Step 11: Ensure that the web server (e.g., Nginx or Apache) is configured to serve assets correctly.

Step 12: If the video file is stored in a cloud storage service, confirm that the necessary configurations (e.g., AWS S3 credentials) are correctly set up in the Rails application.

Step 13: If using the video_tag within a Rails controller, make sure that the controller action is rendering the correct view.

Step 14: Double-check the application's routes to ensure that the controller action and view are properly connected.

Step 15: If the problem persists, consider using browser developer tools to inspect network requests and identify any issues with loading the video file.

Step 16: Consult the Rails documentation and relevant gem documentation for additional troubleshooting and configuration options.