rails not_found

Step 1: Check Routes - Verify that the route for the requested URL is defined in the config/routes.rb file.

Step 2: Controller Action - Ensure that the controller action corresponding to the route exists and can handle the request.

Step 3: View Template - Confirm that a view template exists for the controller action to render.

Step 4: Database Query - If the action requires data from the database, ensure that the query is correct and retrieves the expected data.

Step 5: Error Handling - Check for any custom error handling that might be redirecting to the not_found page.

Step 6: Asset Pipeline - If the issue is related to assets (CSS, JavaScript), ensure they are properly referenced and included in the application.

Step 7: Server Logs - Review the server logs for any additional information about the not_found error.

Step 8: Testing - Write tests to simulate the not_found error and verify that the application responds appropriately.