sequel ruby alias table

The "alias" keyword in Ruby is used to create an alias for a method or a global variable. It allows you to refer to a method or variable with a different name, making your code more readable and flexible.

When used with the "table" method in the Sequel gem, the "alias" keyword can be used to give a table a different name. This can be useful when you want to refer to a table using a shorter or more descriptive name.

Here is the step-by-step explanation of using the "alias table" in Ruby with the Sequel gem:

  1. First, you need to require the Sequel gem in your Ruby file. This can be done using the "require" keyword followed by the name of the gem:
require 'sequel'
  1. Next, you need to establish a connection to your database. This can be done using the Sequel.connect method, specifying the database URL or other connection details:
DB = Sequel.connect('sqlite://my_database.db')
  1. Once the connection is established, you can use the DB object to access your tables. To alias a table, you can use the "alias" keyword followed by the desired alias name, then the "table" method to specify the original table:
aliased_table = DB[:original_table].alias(:alias_name)
  1. Now, you can use the aliased_table to perform various operations like querying, updating, or deleting data from the table. For example, you can use the select method to retrieve specific columns from the aliased table:
results =, :column2).where(column1: 'value')
  1. You can also use the aliased table to insert new records into the table:
aliased_table.insert(column1: 'value1', column2: 'value2')
  1. Finally, don't forget to close the database connection when you're done:

That's it! By using the "alias table" feature in Ruby with the Sequel gem, you can give a table a different name and perform various operations on it using the aliased table object.