allow raise inside rescue rspec

In Ruby, the raise keyword is used to raise an exception, while the rescue keyword is used to handle exceptions. By default, when an exception is raised inside a rescue block, it is not re-raised, and the program continues execution as if nothing happened. However, you can configure RSpec to allow raising exceptions inside a rescue block. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Open your RSpec configuration file. By convention, this file is named spec_helper.rb or rails_helper.rb and is located in the spec directory of your project.

  2. Inside the configuration block, add the following line:

ruby RSpec.configure do |config| # ... config.around(:each) do |example| example.run_with_retry retry: 3, retry_wait: 5 if example.exception end # ... end

This code configures RSpec to re-run an example with up to 3 retries if an exception is raised. The retry_wait option specifies the number of seconds to wait between retries.

  1. Save the configuration file.

Now, when an exception is raised inside a rescue block within an RSpec example, the example will be retried up to 3 times, allowing you to test the behavior of the rescue block. This feature can be useful when you want to ensure that your rescue logic handles exceptions correctly.

This configuration change is specific to RSpec and does not affect the behavior of exceptions and rescues in regular Ruby code.