rails check log level of application

To check the log level of a Ruby on Rails application, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the Rails application's configuration file. This file is typically located at config/application.rb.

  2. Look for the line that begins with config.log_level. This line specifies the log level for the Rails application.

  3. The log level is set using one of the following symbols:

  4. :debug: This log level displays detailed debugging information. It is useful for troubleshooting and identifying issues.

  5. :info: This log level displays informational messages. It provides general information about the application's operation.

  6. :warn: This log level displays warning messages. It indicates potential issues or situations that may require attention.

  7. :error: This log level displays error messages. It indicates failures or errors in the application's operation.

  8. :fatal: This log level displays critical error messages. It indicates severe failures that may cause the application to stop functioning.

  9. :unknown: This log level displays log messages with an unknown severity level.

  10. By default, the log level is set to :debug in the development environment, :info in the production environment, and :warn in the test environment. You can change the log level according to your requirements.

  11. Save the configuration file after making any changes.

By following these steps, you can check and modify the log level of a Ruby on Rails application.