Rails checkbox checked/unchecked values

To handle checked and unchecked values of a checkbox in Ruby on Rails, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a checkbox in your view file (HTML.erb) using the check_box_tag helper method. This method generates an HTML checkbox input element.

Step 2: Assign a unique name to the checkbox using the name attribute. This name will be used to identify the checkbox in the params hash when the form is submitted.

Step 3: In your controller, access the checkbox value using the params hash. The params hash contains all the form data submitted by the user.

Step 4: To check if the checkbox is checked, use the params[:checkbox_name] syntax, where checkbox_name is the name assigned to the checkbox in Step 2. If the checkbox is checked, the value will be "1"; otherwise, it will be "0".

Step 5: Based on the checkbox value, you can perform the desired action in your controller or view. For example, you can update a database record or display different content.

Here is an example of how you can implement these steps:

Step 1: In your view file (HTML.erb), add the following code to create a checkbox:

<%= check_box_tag 'checkbox_name' %>

Step 2: Assign a name to the checkbox:

<%= check_box_tag 'checkbox_name' %>

Step 3: In your controller, access the checkbox value:

def create
  if params[:checkbox_name] == "1"
    # Checkbox is checked
    # Perform desired action
    # Checkbox is unchecked
    # Perform desired action

Step 4: Based on the checkbox value, perform the desired action in your controller.

That's it! You have now implemented handling of checked and unchecked values for a checkbox in Ruby on Rails.