ruby os command injection

# Example Ruby code with potential OS command injection vulnerability

# Step 1: Define a function that takes user input as a parameter
def process_input(user_input)
  # Step 2: Construct a command using the user input
  command = "ls #{user_input}"

  # Step 3: Execute the command using backticks or %x{}
  result = `#{command}`

  # Step 4: Display the result to the user
  puts "Result: #{result}"

# Step 5: Get user input
print "Enter a directory: "
user_input = gets.chomp

# Step 6: Call the function with user input


  1. Define a function (process_input) that takes user input as a parameter.
  2. This function will process the user input and potentially construct a command for execution.

  3. Construct a command using the user input.

  4. The ls command is used as an example, and the user input is appended to it. This is where the vulnerability lies, as the user input is not properly sanitized.

  5. Execute the command using backticks or %x{}.

  6. The constructed command is executed using backticks or %x{}. This is the point where OS command injection can occur if the user input is not validated or sanitized properly.

  7. Display the result to the user.

  8. The result of the executed command is displayed to the user. In a real-world scenario, this information could be misused if the user input is not handled securely.

  9. Get user input.

  10. The program prompts the user to enter a directory.

  11. Call the function with user input.

  12. The process_input function is called with the user input. This is where the potential OS command injection vulnerability can be exploited if an attacker provides malicious input.