ruby pluck

The Ruby method pluck is used to retrieve a specific attribute or column value from a collection of objects. It is often used in database queries to select specific fields from a table.

Here is an explanation of each step involved in using the pluck method in Ruby:

  1. Identify the collection: First, you need to have a collection of objects from which you want to retrieve specific attributes. This collection can be an array or an ActiveRecord relation.

  2. Call the pluck method: Once you have the collection, you can call the pluck method on it. The syntax for using pluck is as follows:


Replace collection with the name of your collection and :attribute_name with the name of the attribute you want to retrieve.

  1. Retrieve the attribute value: When you call pluck, it will return an array containing the values of the specified attribute for each object in the collection. You can assign this result to a variable or use it directly in your code.

For example, if you have a collection of User objects and you want to retrieve the name attribute, you can do:

ruby names = users.pluck(:name)

This will assign an array of user names to the names variable.

  1. Use the attribute values: Once you have retrieved the attribute values using pluck, you can use them in your code as needed. For example, you can iterate over the array of names and perform further operations.

ruby names.each do |name| # Do something with each name end

You can also chain other methods after pluck to further manipulate the retrieved attribute values.

That's the basic explanation of how the pluck method works in Ruby. It provides a convenient way to extract specific attributes from a collection of objects.