Command 'rvm' not found, but there are 19 similar ones.

  1. Check if RVM is installed on your system by running the command rvm --version.

  2. If the command returns an error message saying "rvm: command not found," it means RVM is not installed on your system.

  3. To install RVM, you can use the following command: \curl -sSL | bash -s stable

This command downloads and runs a script that installs RVM on your system.

  1. After the installation is complete, you need to restart your terminal or open a new terminal window for the changes to take effect.

  2. Once you have restarted your terminal, you can verify that RVM is installed by running the command rvm --version again. This time, it should display the version number of RVM.

  3. If you still encounter the "rvm: command not found" error after installing RVM, it's possible that the RVM executable is not in your system's PATH variable.

  4. To add RVM to your PATH variable, you can run the following command: echo "source $HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" >> ~/.bashrc

This command adds a line to your ~/.bashrc file to load RVM every time you open a new terminal window.

  1. After adding the line to your ~/.bashrc file, you need to reload the file by running the command source ~/.bashrc.

  2. Now, if you run the command rvm --version, it should display the version number of RVM without any errors.

  3. You can now use RVM to manage Ruby versions and gemsets on your system.

Note: The steps provided assume you are using a Unix-based operating system. If you are using a different operating system, the commands and file paths may vary.