ruby by Gabbar_Saab

Here is an explanation for each step in the Ruby code provided by Gabbar_Saab:

Step 1: Initialize a variable called "name" with a string value of "Gabbar_Saab". Explanation: This line of code creates a new variable named "name" and assigns it the value "Gabbar_Saab", which is a string.

Step 2: Output the value of the variable "name" to the console. Explanation: This line of code displays the value of the variable "name" to the console, allowing it to be seen by the user.

Step 3: Create a method called "greet" that takes a parameter called "name". Explanation: This line of code defines a new method named "greet" that accepts one parameter called "name". Methods are reusable blocks of code that perform a specific task.

Step 4: Inside the "greet" method, output a greeting message using the value of the "name" parameter. Explanation: This line of code displays a greeting message to the console using the value passed to the "name" parameter when the "greet" method is called.

Step 5: Call the "greet" method with the value of the "name" variable. Explanation: This line of code invokes the "greet" method and passes the value of the "name" variable as an argument. This will execute the code inside the method and display the greeting message.

Step 6: End of the Ruby code. Explanation: This line of code marks the end of the Ruby code provided by Gabbar_Saab. It is important to include this line to indicate the completion of the code.