dynamic database connection in rails

Dynamic database connection in Ruby on Rails allows you to connect to different databases based on certain conditions or configurations. Here are the steps to achieve dynamic database connection in Rails:

Step 1: Configure the database.yml file In your Rails application, you need to configure the database.yml file located in the config directory. This file contains the database connection details for different environments (development, test, and production). You can add additional configurations for different databases by specifying a unique identifier for each configuration.

Step 2: Create a separate database connection class Create a separate class to handle the dynamic database connection logic. This class should inherit from ActiveRecord::Base, which is the base class for all models in Rails. Inside this class, define a method that will be responsible for establishing the connection to the desired database.

Step 3: Establish the database connection Inside the method defined in the database connection class, use the establish_connection method provided by ActiveRecord to establish the database connection. Pass the appropriate configuration from the database.yml file as an argument to this method. You can use the unique identifier specified in the configuration to select the desired database.

Step 4: Use the dynamic database connection Now, you can use the dynamic database connection in your Rails application. Whenever you need to perform database operations on the dynamically selected database, you can instantiate an object of the database connection class and use it to interact with the database.

By following these steps, you can achieve dynamic database connection in Ruby on Rails, allowing you to connect to different databases based on certain conditions or configurations.