ruby create a copy of variable

To create a copy of a variable in Ruby, you can use the dup method. This method creates a shallow copy of the object, meaning that the copy will have the same values as the original object, but any changes made to the copy will not affect the original object.

Here is an example of how to create a copy of a variable in Ruby:

original_variable = "Hello"
copy_variable = original_variable.dup


  1. We define a variable named original_variable and assign it the value "Hello".
  2. We use the dup method to create a copy of original_variable and assign it to the variable copy_variable.

Now, both original_variable and copy_variable will have the value "Hello". However, if we modify copy_variable, it will not affect the value of original_variable.

For example:

puts original_variable
puts copy_variable



As you can see, even though we modified copy_variable to be uppercase, the value of original_variable remained unchanged.

This is how you can create a copy of a variable in Ruby using the dup method.