rails generate controller without view ,test

To generate a controller without a view or test in Ruby on Rails, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open your terminal or command prompt.

Step 2: Navigate to your Rails application directory using the cd command.

Step 3: Run the following command to generate the controller:

rails generate controller ControllerName --no-assets --no-helper --no-test-framework

Replace ControllerName with the desired name for your controller. The --no-assets option prevents the generation of any associated asset files, such as JavaScript or CSS files. The --no-helper option prevents the generation of a helper file for the controller. The --no-test-framework option skips generating any test files for the controller.

Step 4: Once the controller generation is complete, you can find the generated controller file in the app/controllers directory of your Rails application.

By following these steps, you will generate a controller without any associated view or test files in your Ruby on Rails application.