rails has_many through source 2

  1. Start by defining the models involved in the association. In this case, we have three models: User, Team, and Membership.

  2. In the User model, use the has_many keyword followed by the name of the association. In this example, it would be has_many :memberships.

  3. In the User model, use the has_many through keyword followed by the name of the association and the name of the join model. In this example, it would be has_many :teams, through: :memberships.

  4. In the User model, specify the source of the association. This is necessary when the association name doesn't match the name of the target model. In this example, it would be source: :team.

  5. In the Team model, use the has_many keyword followed by the name of the association. In this example, it would be has_many :memberships.

  6. In the Team model, use the has_many through keyword followed by the name of the association and the name of the join model. In this example, it would be has_many :users, through: :memberships.

  7. In the Team model, specify the source of the association. This is necessary when the association name doesn't match the name of the target model. In this example, it would be source: :user.

  8. In the Membership model, use the belongs_to keyword followed by the name of the association. In this example, it would be belongs_to :user and belongs_to :team.

  9. Make sure to set up the appropriate database migrations to create the necessary tables and foreign key constraints.

  10. You can now access the associated records using the defined associations. For example, you can retrieve all the teams a user is a member of by calling user.teams.

  11. Additionally, you can also access the associated records in the opposite direction. For example, you can retrieve all the users belonging to a team by calling team.users.