ruby prepend string

Ruby: Prepending a String

To prepend a string in Ruby, you can use the prepend method. This method adds the specified string to the beginning of the original string. Here are the steps to prepend a string in Ruby:

  1. Start with a string that you want to prepend to.
  2. Call the prepend method on the string and pass the string you want to prepend as an argument.
  3. The prepend method modifies the original string by adding the specified string to the beginning.
  4. The modified string is returned as the result.

Here is an example that demonstrates how to prepend a string in Ruby:

original_string = "world"
prepended_string = "Hello, "

result = original_string.prepend(prepended_string)

puts result
# Output: Hello, world

In this example, the prepend method is called on the original_string with the prepended_string as an argument. The result is the modified string "Hello, world", which is then printed to the console.

Please note that the prepend method modifies the original string in place. If you want to create a new string without modifying the original, you can use string concatenation or interpolation instead.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.