rails render head: :ok

The code render head: :ok is used in Ruby on Rails to render a plain HTTP response with a status code of 200 (OK).

Here's an explanation of each step:

  1. render: This is a method in Ruby on Rails that is used to render a response. It can render different types of responses, such as HTML, JSON, or plain text.

  2. head: :ok: The head method is a special type of rendering that allows you to send a plain HTTP response without rendering a view template. In this case, :ok is passed as an argument to the head method, which sets the status code of the response to 200 (OK).

By using render head: :ok, you are telling Rails to render a plain HTTP response with a status code of 200, indicating that the request was successful. This is commonly used in API controllers when you want to send a simple response without rendering a view template.