ruby add coma to array of string

To add a comma to each element in an array of strings in Ruby, you can use the join method along with the map method. Here's the step-by-step explanation:

  1. Start by defining an array of strings:
array = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
  1. Use the map method to iterate over each element in the array and modify it:
modified_array = { |element| element + "," }

The map method returns a new array with the modified elements. In this case, we're concatenating a comma to each string element.

  1. Finally, use the join method to combine all the elements in the modified array into a single string, separating them by commas:
result = modified_array.join(",")

The join method takes a delimiter as an argument, which specifies how the elements should be separated. In this case, we're using a comma as the delimiter.

After following these steps, the result variable will contain a string with the comma-separated elements: "apple,", "banana,", "cherry".

Note: The original array (array) remains unchanged.