rails many to many relationship same model

To establish a many-to-many relationship in Ruby on Rails using the same model, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a migration file: Run the following command in your terminal to generate a migration file for the join table: ruby rails generate migration create_join_table_model1_model2 model1 model2 Replace model1 and model2 with the names of your models.

  2. Define the association in the models: In both of your models (Model1 and Model2), add a has_and_belongs_to_many association declaration. For example: ```ruby class Model1 < ApplicationRecord has_and_belongs_to_many :model2s, join_table: "model1s_model2s" end

class Model2 < ApplicationRecord has_and_belongs_to_many :model1s, join_table: "model1s_model2s" end ``` Make sure to use the same join table name as specified in the migration file.

  1. Run the migration: Execute the following command to run the migration and create the join table in your database: ruby rails db:migrate

  2. Use the association: You can now use the association methods to retrieve and manipulate the related records. For example, to add a new association: ruby model1 = Model1.find(1) model2 = Model2.find(2) model1.model2s << model2 To retrieve the associated records: ruby model1.model2s To remove an association: ruby model1.model2s.delete(model2)

That's it! You have successfully established a many-to-many relationship between the same model in Ruby on Rails. Remember to adjust the code examples to match the names of your models and the join table.