logstash-logger gem

# Step 1: Install the logstash-logger gem
gem 'logstash-logger'

# Step 2: Require the gem in your Ruby script
require 'logstash-logger'

# Step 3: Configure LogstashLogger with the appropriate settings
logstash_logger = LogStashLogger.new(
  type: :file,                        # Specify the type of logger (file in this case)
  path: 'path/to/log/file.log',       # Set the path to the log file
  sync: true,                         # Enable synchronous writes to the log file
  formatter: LogStashLogger::JsonFormatter.new  # Use the JSON formatter for log entries

# Step 4: Use the logger to log messages
logstash_logger.info('This is an informational message')
logstash_logger.warn('This is a warning message')
logstash_logger.error('This is an error message')

# Step 5: Close the logger when done (optional)