rails debug

To debug a Ruby on Rails application, you can use the built-in debugger provided by Rails. Here are the steps to debug your code:

  1. First, make sure you have the byebug gem installed in your Rails application. You can add it to your Gemfile and run bundle install to install it.

  2. Next, locate the specific part of your code that you want to debug. This could be a controller action, a model method, or any other part of your application.

  3. To start debugging, insert the byebug keyword in your code at the point where you want the debugger to break. For example, if you want to debug a controller action, you can add byebug at the beginning of the action method.

  4. Start your Rails server by running the rails server command in your terminal.

  5. When your code reaches the byebug statement, the debugger will pause execution and you'll be dropped into a debugging session. You can now interact with the debugger.

  6. You can use various commands to navigate and inspect your code during the debugging session. Some commonly used commands include:

  7. next (or n) - Execute the next line of code.
  8. step (or s) - Step into the next line of code, including any method calls.
  9. continue (or c) - Continue execution until the next breakpoint or the end of the program.
  10. break (or b) - Set a breakpoint at a specific line or method.
  11. watch - Set a watchpoint to track changes to a specific variable.
  12. display - Print the value of a variable or expression at each breakpoint.

  13. While in the debugging session, you can inspect variables, evaluate expressions, and manipulate the program flow to identify and fix issues in your code.

  14. Once you have finished debugging, you can exit the debugging session by typing continue (or c) and pressing Enter. This will resume normal execution of your code.

By following these steps, you can effectively debug your Ruby on Rails application using the built-in debugger provided by Rails.