rails change resource name

To change a resource name in Ruby on Rails, follow these steps:

  1. Update Routes: Open config/routes.rb and use the resources method to declare routes for the new resource name, specifying the controller and actions as needed.

ruby resources :new_resource_name, controller: 'old_resource_name'

  1. Rename Controller: Rename the existing controller file (old_resource_name_controller.rb) in the app/controllers directory to match the new resource name (new_resource_name_controller.rb).

  2. Modify Controller: Inside the renamed controller file, update the class name and references to the old resource name to reflect the new resource name.

ruby class NewResourceNameController < ApplicationController # Update references and actions accordingly end

  1. Update Views: In the app/views directory, rename the folder associated with the old resource name to match the new resource name.

  2. Adjust Model Associations: If the resource name change affects any associations in your models, update those associations accordingly.

  3. Database Migration: If necessary, create a migration to rename the table associated with the old resource name to the new resource name using the rename_table method.

ruby def change rename_table :old_resource_name, :new_resource_name end

  1. Search and Replace: Perform a search across your project files to find and replace occurrences of the old resource name with the new resource name to ensure consistency.

  2. Testing: Thoroughly test your application after making these changes to ensure that everything is functioning as expected with the new resource name.