timeout in rails

To set a timeout in Rails, follow these steps:

  1. Open the file where you want to set the timeout. This could be a controller file or a model file, depending on your specific use case.

  2. Inside the file, locate the specific method or block of code where you want to apply the timeout.

  3. Add the following line of code before the method or block of code where you want to set the timeout:

ruby Timeout.timeout(seconds) do # Your code goes here end

Replace seconds with the desired timeout duration in seconds. For example, if you want to set a timeout of 5 seconds, you would use 5 as the value for seconds.

  1. Place your desired code or logic within the block of code specified in the previous step. This is the code that will be executed within the timeout.

  2. Optionally, you can handle any timeout errors that may occur. You can do this by wrapping the Timeout.timeout block in a begin-rescue block. Here's an example:

ruby begin Timeout.timeout(seconds) do # Your code goes here end rescue Timeout::Error # Handle timeout error end

In the rescue block, you can add code to handle the timeout error, such as logging an error message or taking appropriate action.

That's it! You have successfully set a timeout in Rails. Remember to replace the placeholder comments with your actual code or logic.