ruby hash.each

The each method in Ruby is used to iterate over each key-value pair in a hash. It takes a block of code as an argument and executes that block for each key-value pair in the hash.

Here are the steps that occur when using each with a hash:

  1. The each method is called on the hash object.
  2. The block of code specified as an argument is executed for each key-value pair in the hash.
  3. Within the block, you can use block parameters to access the key and value of each pair.
  4. The block of code is executed once for each key-value pair in the hash, in no particular order.
  5. Once all key-value pairs have been processed, the each method returns the original hash object.

It's important to note that the order in which the key-value pairs are processed may vary, as hash objects in Ruby do not guarantee a specific order. If you need to maintain a specific order, you can use the sort method on the hash before using each.

That's it! The each method is a powerful tool for iterating over key-value pairs in a hash in Ruby.