ruby if statement multiple conditions

The Ruby programming language allows you to use multiple conditions in an if statement. Here is an example:

if condition1 && condition2
  # code to be executed if both condition1 and condition2 are true
elsif condition3 || condition4
  # code to be executed if either condition3 or condition4 is true
  # code to be executed if none of the conditions are true


  1. The if keyword is used to start the if statement.
  2. condition1 and condition2 are the conditions that need to be evaluated. The && operator is used to check if both conditions are true.
  3. If both condition1 and condition2 are true, the code inside the first block will be executed.
  4. If condition1 and condition2 are not both true, the program will move to the elsif section.
  5. condition3 and condition4 are the conditions that are checked using the || (or) operator. If either condition3 or condition4 is true, the code inside the elsif block will be executed.
  6. If none of the conditions in the if and elsif sections are true, the code inside the else block will be executed.
  7. The end keyword is used to close the if statement.

This allows you to have multiple conditions in your if statement and execute different blocks of code based on the evaluation of those conditions.