ruby list of files in directory include subfolders

To list all the files in a directory, including subfolders, in Ruby, you can use the following code:

def list_files(directory)
  Dir.glob("#{directory}//*").select { |file| File.file?(file) }

Here's an explanation of each step:

  1. The Dir.glob method is used to match file path patterns. In this case, we are using the pattern "#{directory}//", where directory is the input directory passed to the method. The "/" pattern matches all files and directories recursively from the specified directory.

  2. The Dir.glob method returns an array of file paths that match the pattern.

  3. We then use the select method to filter the array of file paths. We only want to include files and exclude directories, so we use the File.file? method to check if each path corresponds to a file.

  4. The select method returns a new array containing only the file paths that pass the filter.

  5. Finally, the list_files method returns the array of file paths.

You can call the list_files method with the desired directory as an argument to get a list of all the files in that directory and its subfolders.