ruby on rails scaffold generator example with belongs to relationship

To generate a scaffold with a "belongs to" relationship in Ruby on Rails, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open your terminal and navigate to your Rails application directory.

Step 2: Run the following command to generate a new scaffold:

rails generate scaffold Book title:string author:string

This command will create a new scaffold named "Book" with two attributes: "title" and "author".

Step 3: Next, generate another scaffold for the related model (let's say "Genre") using the following command:

rails generate scaffold Genre name:string

Step 4: Now, you need to create a relationship between the "Book" and "Genre" models. Open the app/models/book.rb file and add the following line:

belongs_to :genre

This line specifies that a book belongs to a genre.

Step 5: Similarly, open the app/models/genre.rb file and add the following line:

has_many :books

This line specifies that a genre has many books.

Step 6: Run the database migration to create the necessary tables:

rails db:migrate

Step 7: Finally, start your Rails server by running:

rails server

You can now access the application in your browser and see the generated scaffold with the "belongs to" relationship.

Please note that the above steps assume you have a basic understanding of Ruby on Rails and have it properly installed and configured on your system.