devise add trackable

Step 1: Add the trackable module to the User model by opening the app/models/user.rb file and adding :trackable to the devise method.

Step 2: Run the migration generator to add the necessary columns for tracking. Use the command rails generate migration AddTrackableToUsers sign_in_count:integer, current_sign_in_at:datetime, last_sign_in_at:datetime, current_sign_in_ip:string, last_sign_in_ip:string to create the migration file.

Step 3: Open the newly generated migration file located in the db/migrate directory and review the columns that will be added to the users table.

Step 4: Run the migration using the command rails db:migrate to apply the changes to the database.

Step 5: Restart the Rails server to ensure that the changes take effect by running rails server in the terminal.

Step 6: Test the functionality of the trackable module by signing in and out of the application, then checking the sign_in_count, current_sign_in_at, last_sign_in_at, current_sign_in_ip, and last_sign_in_ip columns in the users table to verify that they are being updated accordingly.