rails secure uuid

To secure a UUID in Ruby on Rails, you can follow these steps:

  1. Add the uuid gem to your Gemfile by including the following line: ruby gem 'uuid'

  2. Run the bundle install command in your terminal to install the gem.

  3. In your model file (e.g., app/models/user.rb), add the uuid column to your table by using the add_column method in a migration: ruby class AddUuidToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0] def change add_column :users, :uuid, :uuid, default: 'gen_random_uuid()', null: false end end

  4. Run the migration to add the uuid column to your database by executing the following command in your terminal: rails db:migrate

  5. In your model file, include the has_secure_token method to generate a secure UUID token for each record: ruby class User < ApplicationRecord has_secure_token :uuid end

  6. Save and restart your Rails server for the changes to take effect.

Now, you have a secure UUID for each record in your users table. You can access the UUID for a user instance using user.uuid. This UUID will be unique and difficult to guess, providing added security for your application.