rails reference a column with another name

To reference a column with another name in Ruby on Rails, follow these steps:

  1. Migration:
  2. Open the migration file associated with the model.
  3. Locate the create_table block.
  4. Use the t.column or t.column_name method to define the column with the desired name.
  5. For example:

    ruby class CreateExampleTable < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0] def change create_table :example_table do |t| t.string :original_column_name # Other columns... end end end

  6. Model:

  7. Open the model file associated with the table.
  8. Use the alias_attribute method to create an alias for the original column name.
  9. For example:

    ruby class ExampleModel < ApplicationRecord alias_attribute :new_column_name, :original_column_name # Other model code... end

  10. Database Migration:

  11. Run the migration to apply the changes to the database.

    bash rails db:migrate

  12. Usage:

  13. In your code, use the new column name (new_column_name) instead of the original one.

    ```ruby # Instead of using: ExampleModel.find_by(original_column_name: 'value')

    # Use the alias: ExampleModel.find_by(new_column_name: 'value') ```

This way, you have referenced a column with another name in Ruby on Rails.