ruby for each continue

In Ruby, the each method is used to iterate over a collection or an enumerable object and perform a specific action for each element. Here is an explanation of each step involved in using each:

  1. First, you'll need to have a collection or an enumerable object. This can be an array, a hash, or any other object that implements the each method.

  2. Next, you'll call the each method on the collection or enumerable object. You can do this by using the dot notation (.) followed by the method name, like this: collection.each.

  3. After calling the each method, you'll provide a block of code that specifies what action to perform for each element in the collection. The block is denoted by curly braces ({}) or the do...end keywords.

  4. Inside the block, you can access each element of the collection using a block variable. This variable is defined between vertical bars (|) and can be named anything you want. For example: |element|.

  5. Within the block, you can write the code that should be executed for each element. This could be anything from printing the element to performing some calculations or modifying the element itself.

  6. The each method will automatically iterate over each element in the collection and execute the code within the block for each element. Once the block has been executed for all elements, the each method will return the original collection.

Here's an example of using each to iterate over an array and print each element:

array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

array.each do |element|
  puts element

This code will output:


Each element of the array is printed on a new line because of the puts method within the block.

That's it! You've successfully used the each method in Ruby to iterate over a collection and perform an action for each element.