font awesome rails

Step 1: Add the 'font-awesome-rails' gem to your Rails application by including it in the Gemfile:

gem 'font-awesome-rails'

Step 2: Install the gem using the bundle command:

bundle install

Step 3: In your application's stylesheet file (e.g., 'app/assets/stylesheets/application.css' or 'app/assets/stylesheets/application.scss'), include the Font Awesome styles using one of the following methods:

For Sprockets:

//= require font-awesome

For Sass:

@import "font-awesome";

Step 4: Restart your Rails server to apply the changes.

Now, you can use Font Awesome icons in your views by adding HTML tags with the appropriate classes. For example:

<i class="fas fa-camera"></i> <!-- Solid style camera icon -->
<i class="far fa-envelope"></i> <!-- Regular style envelope icon -->

Refer to the Font Awesome documentation for a complete list of icons and their respective classes: