update ruby version

To update the Ruby version, follow these steps:

  1. Check the current Ruby version: First, you need to determine the current Ruby version installed on your system. Open your terminal and type the following command: ruby -v This will display the current Ruby version.

  2. Install a Ruby version manager: A Ruby version manager allows you to easily switch between different Ruby versions on your system. One popular version manager is RVM (Ruby Version Manager). To install RVM, run the following command in your terminal: \curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable This will download and install RVM.

  3. Set up RVM: After installing RVM, you need to load it into your shell session. Run the following command: source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm This will load RVM into your current shell session.

  4. Install a new Ruby version: Once RVM is set up, you can install a new Ruby version. Run the following command to list all available Ruby versions: rvm list known This will display a list of available Ruby versions. Choose the version you want to install and run the following command, replacing <version> with the desired version: rvm install <version> This will download and install the specified Ruby version.

  5. Switch to the new Ruby version: After installing the new Ruby version, you need to switch to it. Run the following command, replacing <version> with the installed version: rvm use <version> This will set the newly installed Ruby version as the default for your current shell session.

  6. Verify the updated Ruby version: Finally, verify that the Ruby version has been successfully updated by running the following command: ruby -v This should display the newly installed Ruby version.

By following these steps, you can successfully update the Ruby version on your system using RVM.