ruby rails delete all of a model in console

To delete all instances of a model in Ruby on Rails console, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to your Rails application directory.
  2. Run the Rails console by typing rails console or rails c in the terminal and press Enter.
  3. Once the console is open, type the following command to load the model you want to delete instances from: model_name = YourModelName Replace YourModelName with the actual name of your model.
  4. To delete all instances of the model, use the destroy_all method. Type the following command: model_name.destroy_all
  5. Press Enter to execute the command. This will delete all instances of the model from the database.

Note: Make sure you have a backup or are certain that you want to delete all instances of the model, as this action cannot be undone.