will_paginate gem rails

The will_paginate gem in Ruby on Rails is a useful tool for implementing pagination in your application. It allows you to split large sets of data into smaller, more manageable chunks and display them on separate pages. Here are the steps to use the will_paginate gem in your Rails application:

  1. Add the will_paginate gem to your Gemfile: ruby gem 'will_paginate' This will ensure that the gem is installed when you run the bundle install command.

  2. Run the bundle install command in your terminal to install the gem.

  3. In your controller, modify the query that fetches the data to include pagination. For example: ruby def index @articles = Article.paginate(page: params[:page], per_page: 10) end Here, we are fetching the articles and using the paginate method provided by the will_paginate gem. The page parameter specifies the current page number, while per_page specifies the number of articles to display per page.

  4. In your view, add the pagination links to navigate between pages. For example: ruby <%= will_paginate @articles %> This will generate the necessary pagination links based on the current page and the total number of pages.

  5. Customize the pagination links if needed. The will_paginate gem provides various options to customize the appearance of the pagination links. You can refer to the gem's documentation for more details on how to customize the pagination links.

That's it! You have successfully implemented pagination using the will_paginate gem in your Rails application. This will allow your users to navigate through large sets of data more easily by displaying them on separate pages.